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Britney Spears

All Four X Factor Judges Leave The Set!

britney spears x factor kansas city auditions all judges walk off
Britney is such a trendsetter!
After a guy waltzed on into the Kansas City auditions proclaiming to be better than Chris Brown, he showed them all right!
With his back turned to the judges (apparently he needed to sing with his eyes closed), the X Factor hopeful belted out the WORST noise they had ever heard.
And Demi used to be on Barney!
It was so bad, they each stood up and just WALKED. OFF. THE. SET!
Wow!! We kinda feel bad for the guy, but then again… turning your back to the judges is a lil’ rude!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 10, 2012 10:00am PDT

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