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X-Men: Days Of Castmembers Future Past: Jennifer Lawrence's Nude Bodypaint OUT, Halle Berry IN!

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This is literally EVERYTHING we could have ever hoped for after the DISASTER that was X-Men: The Last Stand!
As you all know, we’ve been sh-tting our pants in excitement over what’s on its way to being pretty much the best installment of the super-hero franchise EVER with X-Men: Days Of Future Past. The flick will serve as a sequel to BOTH First Class AND the aforementioned, Brett Ratner-directed clusterf-ck, as its time-jumping narrative allows for the inclusion of Michael Fassbender and Ian McKellan as past and present Magneto; James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart as past and present Professor X, and the much-anticipated returns of Hugh Jackman, Shawn Ashmore, Anna Paquin and Ellen Page as Wolverine, Iceman, Rogue and Kitty Pryde, respectively!
Then, with the announcement of Game Of ThronesPeter Dinklage as the main antagonist, we didn’t think we could GET anymore excited…until NOW!
Because apparently, there are still original X-Men in talks to return, as Halle Berry recently revealed that she was well-into contract negotiations, and about 90% certain she’d be BACK as Storm!
According to sources:

“Well, she did confirm to me that she would be returning in the role. Most likely. Practically 90% sure. And she nodded a lot, too…She told me that are a few details that are still being negotiated which she couldn’t get into. But since she did tell me that the film starts shooting in April, it’s highly unlikely that talks are going to suddenly and horribly fall apart at this point.”

Again with the YES! YES! YES!
It’s like we’re getting a magical re-do on Last Sand, and all of the gang came back to make things right!
WELL. We just hope that include James Marsden and Famke Janssen, too, but we don’t want to get greedy or anything!
Especially with more recent castmembers like Jennifer Lawrence already returning, who, by the way, is putting her new Oscar cred to good use…by ensuring that this time around, she won’t have to endure the SEVEN HOURS of body-paint that go into creating the Mystique character she inherited from Rebecca Romijn, and will instead just wear a bodysuit!
As she explained:

“I’m so excited because I’m going to wear a body suit. It will be from neck down so it will cut out time and the blisters. I haven’t read the script yet. I haven’t had 30 minutes. They literally gave me the script and I was like, ‘I can’t read this until Monday.'”

Well, hey! Can anyone blame her?!
Gurl has been BUSY!
Get through Catching Fire, take a hit of your blunt breather, and then get down with all the X-Men goodness, blister and nudity-free!
We doubt our excitement for this project will be fading any time soon!
How about U?! Are U so excited for all of the latest on X-Men: Days Of Future Past?!

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Mar 01, 2013 13:00pm PDT