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Celebs At Airports

Zoe Saldana & Jessica Biel Should Be BFFs, Cuz She's Judging You And Your Sweatpants HARD!

zoe saldana airplane dress code
Who woulda thunk??
We already knew that Jessica Biel hates women who wear PJs to the airport, but apparently Zoe Saldana is in the same boat! Or in the same airplane? LOLz!
And not only does the Star Trek actress hate to see women dressed down at the airport, she hates seeing women dressed down at ANY time!
Miz Saldana passionately spewed:

“I want every woman to look her best. I can’t stand seeing women in sweatpants. Unless you’re going to the gym, there’s no reason. I can’t fly on a plane looking like sh*t. That could be my last flight. It’s not that I’m going to wear all my best gear but I’m going to look chic. At least I’m going to die in style.”

Well, if you’re going to be morbid about airplane trips, we guess that makes sense.
That’s still no reason to look down at women who wear sweats for “no reason” though — sometimes comfort is reason enough!
But hey, to each her own!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 15, 2014 15:05pm PDT