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"Burger King Baby" Reunited With Her Biological Mom With A Side Of Hugs! Find Out The End Of The Story 27 Years In The Making!

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Looks like this story that begins with a woman crowning, and then going to the fast food place with the crown, has a happy ending!
We reported earlier how 27-year old Katheryn Deprill used Facebook as a means to find her biological mom who had left her as a newborn in a bathroom of a Burger King.
Well, thank you social media, because a woman came forward and contacted Katheryn’s attorney, who arranged for them to meet, a rendez-vous that was “pure joy” to Katheryn.
According to Katheryn, her biological mom is almost a mirror image of her:

“She is better than anything I could’ve ever imagined. She is so sweet and amazing. I’m so happy.”

Get ready for a non-dipping related sauce to hit your face, because you will be crying after you read this! Katheryn also mentioned that she at long last got to do something she had always wanted to:

“I got the hug that I had wanted for the last 27 years, and that broke the ice. I asked if I could have it, and she said, ‘absolutely,’ and just held her arms open, and the rest is history…We are definitely going to have a relationship.”

We’re. Totally. Not. Crying. Right. Now. J. K. We. Totally. Are.
According to Deprill’s attorney, Katheryn’s biological mom had been raped while traveling abroad at 16 years of age, and after keeping the pregnancy hidden and giving birth in her own bed, she decided she didn’t want to risk all the questions that would be involved with going to a hospital.
Our hearts go out to this mom, whoever she is, who clearly had to go through so much at such an early age.
While Katheryn’s biological mom apparently expressed regret during their first meeting, Katheryn forgave her “110 percent, absolutely.”
And guess what? They’re going to keep hanging out some more, as they have plans to see each other again.
Just maybe not at a Burger King.
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Facebook.]

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Mar 26, 2014 13:46pm PDT