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Catherine Zeta Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones Renames Hospital Like The Saint She Is!

Wales: known for missing an H and also the birthplace of Catherine Zeta-Jones. LOLz!
We kid, we kid. Catherine DID return home recently to help rename a children’s hospital, though! She officially unveiled the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales in the capital city of Cardiff, which is about an hour away from her hometown of Swansea.
She is probably super glad to be home. Here’s what she said:

“I can truly express my delight in the recognition that has been given to our charity and more importantly to all of our supporters that have given so generously. I feel that they share in this celebration having more than played a full part to make this hospital a reality. This new name is recognition for every moment of hard work, every penny that has been donated.”

There’s nothing better than seeing all your hard work with charities pay off!
Zeta-Jones is a part of The Noah’s Ark Appeal, and launched the hospital in 2006 after helping to raise funds for the building — so she’s been invested for quite some time!
How fab!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 09, 2012 20:02pm PDT

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