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Chris Noth FOUGHT AGAINST That Major And Just Like That... Twist!

Chris Noth stars in Peleton commercial


After shocking Sex and The City fans everywhere, Chris Noth is finally sounding off on that major And Just Like That… plot twist — and it sounds like he’s changed his tune since last speaking about the series in general!

As you likely know, Carrie Bradshaw’s (Sarah Jessica Parker) husband and OTP met his end in the first episode of HBO Max’s revival series after an ill fated Peloton bike ride. Now, the man behind the suit and the smirk is sharing his thoughts about the whole thing, and he wants everyone to know he was initially against the idea!

While speaking to Access Hollywood, the 67-year-old admitted he understood why Big needed to leave the picture, but wasn’t sure that killing off the beloved character was the right way to go.

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He explained:

“I originally called him [showrunner of SATC Michael Patrick King] and said ‘Michael, I’m not doing this. I don’t want to die.'”


That’s an inneresting take from him, seeing as Chris previously revealed he was “hesitant” to return to the revival at all!

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As we reported earlier this summer, the actor admitted he almost passed on the opportunity to reprise his role for the new series, telling Yahoo Finance Live:

“It was a little bit of a sort of creative negotiation because I didn’t really feel I had anything to offer in that role again. It kind of felt like I had done it.”

So the notion about there being some sort of creative differences lines up, but the rest sounds a bit contradictory if you ask us!

Despite all that, Noth admitted the death of Mr. Big was a transition that was needed to launch the plot of the new series, and was in fact a moment that producers had been planning for a while now — since the first SATC movie, to be exact!

He revealed:

“Because in the original [first] movie [draft] that happened, which they didn’t end up doing. And I said ‘I’m just not interested.’ At first I thought, ‘well maybe they try and adopt a baby?’ But no…it’s not ‘Sex And The City’ it’s ‘And Just Like That’ and in this story Big’s got to go.”

To say Big’s untimely passing sent shockwaves through the world would be an understatement: his death was so impactful, Peloton reported their stocks had dropped 11% after the episode aired — something Noth said he’s “really sad about.”

Yet while his character is no longer alive within the SATC universe, Noth says that doesn’t mean you’ll never see him as John James Preston again. He teased:

“Nobody ever really dies because you’re always in the minds of people, so there may be a little more Big to come.”

We can only hope!

But is Chris giving us a big little lie about the position he took behind the scenes? Share your thoughts (below)!

[Image via Peleton/HBO Max]

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Dec 14, 2021 17:06pm PDT