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Donald Trump

Trump Legal Team Hilariously F**ks Up, Holds 'Four Seasons' Press Conference Between Sex Toy Shop & Crematorium!

Donald Trump's mistaken Four Seasons Total Landscaping election press conference is the funniest thing EVER!

This is truly one for the ages — and as people have been saying all weekend on Twitter and elsewhere, you couldn’t even expect something this crazy to be written into an episode of Veep, or something.

On Saturday, Donald Trump‘s election challenge legal team — headed by the unstoppably self-destructive machine that is former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani — held a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a previously-unknown small business in an industrial part of Philadelphia right by Interstate 95. And they only did it because, well, it appears they meant the Four Seasons Hotel downtown and somehow f**ked it up! No, seriously.

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The hilarity began earlier on Saturday morning, when the President popped up on Twitter and initially wrote that a press conference would take place at “the Four Seasons” later that morning. But minutes later, he clarified himself in a new tweet after people assumed he’d been talking about the hotel; as you can see (below), the press scrum was actually set up at… Four Seasons Total Landscaping:

That confused the hell out of, well, everybody, and the actual Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Philadelphia had to issue their own tweet confirming that they were not the ones who wanted to host the event:

And so, hilariously, Trump’s legal team held their press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, right off Interstate 95 in an industrial part of Philly, as you can see from these depressing shots (below):

Even more hilariously, the botched press conference happened right as all the national news networks called the election for Biden, officially making Rudy and the rest of Trump’s lawyers look, well, more foolish.

It’s still unclear exactly why (or even how?!) Four Seasons Total Landscaping was booked for the press conference, though DW reports that the Trump campaign was looking for a more politically friendly place to hold a press conference after their event the day before had been drowned out by protesters shouting them down. Maybe this was, uhhh, a more quiet location for everything?

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Others surmised that Trump himself had jumped the gun on the press conference, tweeting about it being at the Four Seasons (hotel) before the establishment told them ‘no,’ and then the campaign simply panicked and looked for another place called Four Seasons to make up for it.

No matter what really happened, and we may never actually know, it got the seal of hilarious Twitter approval from countless users who couldn’t believe how funny the whole thing ended up looking live on TV:


Even more hilariously, on Sunday morning, the Four Seasons Total Landscaping folks themselves got in on the game by reflecting on being asked to host the legal team’s press conference at their facility, writing on their Facebook page (below):

Gotta get in on those Merch sales, right?! Can’t blame ’em!!!

Meanwhile, on Sunday morning, the (soon-to-be-former!) President is once again amped up on social media, and complaining about what he believes to be a stolen election. With no proof whatsoever cited of any fraudulent votes, he is once again tweet about “corrupt” big cities and politicians going against him, as you can see (below):

Donald Trump continues to call out what he believes to be a phony election on Twitter...
Nobody stole anything from you, Donald. You lost (BIGLY) fair and square. / (c) Donald Trump/Twitter


And there’s still more:

Donald Trump continues to call out what he believes to be a phony election on Twitter...
The guy can’t even spell “Philadelphia” right in that second tweet, but that’s the least of his problems here! SORE LOSER! / (c) Donald Trump/Twitter

Oh, boy…

Biden was right at that debate a while back… just shut up, man!

You lost! You’re a loser! Go away! Thanks!!!

[Image via WENN/Instar/YouTube]

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Nov 08, 2020 09:30am PDT