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REPORT: Fox News Had The Stormy Daniels Story BEFORE The Election -- And Killed It!

Donald Trump Fox News Stormy Daniels Story

Look, at this point we can all see Fox News is a propaganda network for Donald Trump.
He’s given them 44 interviews, compared to the 10 to ABCNBC, and CBS combined, and zero to CNN. They speak directly to him on TV all the time, and sometimes he even calls in and responds — it ought to be called Fox And Friend, singular.
Heck, Sean Hannity is basically part of the administration, reportedly advising the president every night before bed. (No, you didn’t dream that story. This is the country now.)
But according to a bombshell new report in The New Yorker, they went one further — they did the ol’ catch-and-kill for him during the election.
Here’s how the story goes:
A entertainment reporter named Diana Falzone caught wind of the Stormy Daniels story way back in 2016. Yes, DURING the final days of the election.
Related: Stormy Is Trying Her Hand At Standup Comedy
Falzone started investigating in March and was eventually able to confirm details with Stormy’s manager and husband at the time: she had slept with Donald Trump while his wife was at home with their newborn child.
But the affair wasn’t the only story — she was also able to get her hands on several emails between Michael Cohen and Stormy’s then-attorney about the hush money payment, which was just in negotiations at that time. She even saw the NDA!
For those who think the American people already knew all about this at that time, Stormy was still legally blocked from admitting the NDA even existed when Jimmy Kimmel was dying to know during his first interview with the adult entertainer — in January of 2018!!!  That’s well over a year later.

So it goes without saying this would have been a HUGE story — not just for Falzone personally, but for Fox News.
So what happened? Why did it take until 2018 for this to break?
According to Jane Mayer‘s reporting, the story got passed from editor to editor and Falzone was given the runaround — until eventually Ken LaCorte, the head of at the time, told her point blank:

“Good reporting, kiddo. But Rupert wants Donald Trump to win. So just let it go.”

LaCorte denies this, but Mayer has one of Falzone’s colleagues at the time backing up her account. LaCorte says he canned the story because it didn’t “pass muster.”
Obviously that’s B.S. We mean, we now know it to be true. It’s a fact. Cohen is going to prison for his role, and the President of the United States is an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal campaign finance violation.
Related: Cohen Implicates Trump In Crimes — With Evidence!
Conservative blogger Nik Richie learned about Stormy early on as well, and about Falzone’s story. He says he warned her the higher ups at Fox News would never let her publish the story, and that she was “devastated” when it happened:

“Fox News was culpable. I voted for Trump, and I like Fox, but they did their own ‘catch and kill’ on the story to protect him.”

Falzone apparently even uncovered the deal Trump had with David Pecker and the National Enquirer to catch and kill negative stories about him!
OMG! This would have been HUGE!
Don’t forget. As disturbing as it is that Trump has the following he does, it is NOT a majority of the country, and it never has been. He won the electoral college by just a few thousand votes in a couple counties.
If you think something like a report he was cheating on new mom Melania with a porn star and the National Enquirer was helping him cover it up — a report on FOX NEWS of all places, where his voters get their news — wouldn’t have made a difference, we have a tower in Moscow to sell you.
Instead, the story broke in January of 2018. Almost a full year after Trump’s inauguration. 14 months after the razor-thin election.
Fox News aren’t just Trump’s apostles — they’re his accomplices.
[Image via Fox News/ABC/YouTube.]

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Mar 04, 2019 16:59pm PDT