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Donald Trump

Donald Trump Cancels His Stupid Dictator Parade Over HUGE Cost Estimate!

Donald Trump Military Parade Canceled Millions

Once again Donald Trump has been forced to back down from one of his horrible ideas.
And of course he’s scrambling for others to blame.
The POTUS had been insisting on a dictator-style military parade in celebration of him, complete with tanks rolling through the streets of Washington, D.C.
Related: Trump Continues Shading War Hero John McCain
But on Friday he tweeted he had canceled it, and that it was his decision because he was being highballed on the cost:

How much was too much?
Well, there seems to be some discrepancy there.
D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser seemed to think the President was subtweeting her:

But on Thursday, a Department of Defense official actually leaked to CNBC that the Pentagon’s latest estimate for the November parade was $92 MILLION!
That cost wasn’t just for closing D.C. streets either, but for transporting assets, paying troops, and setting up security.
Remember, this was ALWAYS a big, dumb idea.
Maybe someone finally pointed out to Trump how bad that would look? You know, when that money could be going to health costs for actual war veterans??
[Image via Dutch Press Photo/WENN.]

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Aug 17, 2018 14:26pm PDT

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