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Exclusive! Fran Drescher Keeps You Motivated -- Mix It Up!

Fran Drescher 1
Having a hard time sticking to your brand new exercise routine??
Ditch it if it isn’t working! It’s true, and here’s what Fran Drescher has to say about it:

Exercise Routine? No Way. Mix It Up!
So, dolls, you were all excited about getting in shape at the beginning of this year. But now it’s been a month, and oy, it’s boring! That’s because
the best way to lose enthusiasm for an exercise routine is to have a routine.
For me, it’s much easier to stay in shape when I do a lot of different things. Pilates. Yoga. Hiking. Circuit training. I’m telling you, it will change your attitude about exercise and keep you motivated. Who wants to do the same thing every time you go to a gym? Who wants to go to a gym in the first place? There’s a great place called the outdoors. People have been exercising there for centuries. There are actually bikes with wheels. Try one.
Mixing it up is also great for results. That’s what muscle confusion is all about. Doing something different all the time keeps your body from hitting a plateau.
Just remember the three pillars of fitness: Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility. Make sure you hit each one at least once a week. And for cardio health, you want to get your heart pumping at least three times a week for 20-30 minutes.
So the next time you see that Mixed Martial Arts class at the gym, darlings, sign up! It’ll keep you motivated.

Wow! Quite the input!
Thanks, Fran — we love your advice! Keep it coming!
For more answers to any health questions on your mind, tweet @frandrescher #askfranforfitperez and help fight cancer by checking out her website!

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Feb 02, 2012 09:30am PDT

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