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LOL Scott Patterson Says He & Lauren Graham Quit Smoking To Keep Up With Gilmore Girls Lightning Fast Dialogue

scott patterson said he and lauren graham quit smoking to keep up with gilmore girls

Gilmore Girls recently celebrated 20 years since its premiere, and it’s still as beloved as ever.

In honor of the milestone, the show’s reboot, Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, will have its broadcast debut on the CW. Ahead of airing, the New York Times spoke with the cast and crew about the things that made the show famous — the mother-daughter bond, the pop culture references, and of course, the breakneck pace of the dialogue.

Gilmore scripts were famously 20 pages longer than the average one-hour TV drama, requiring the actors to speed through their line readings. Keiko Agena, who played Rory Gilmore’s best friend Lane, told the Times:

“The feedback was, ‘That was great. Could we do it again, just a little bit faster?'”

Related: Where Is The Gilmore Girls Cast Now?

The fast pace was so challenging that Scott Patterson (aka Luke) said that he and Lauren Graham actually had to quit smoking to keep up with the show! He explained:

“She needed her wind, and I needed my wind.”

That hard work may be part of why Patterson found it so disappointing that the series was shut out of the Emmys throughout its 7-season run. He shared:

“We were continually shocked that we were overlooked by the Academy and never really got any nominations for the show, or individual acting. Not that we were doing it to get awards, but you want to be recognized. You want to be given credit.”

Well, not many shows are still getting NYT profiles 20 years later, so it seems like the Gilmore Girls were the real winners in the long run!

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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Nov 25, 2020 12:59pm PDT

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