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Gypsy Rose Blanchard Insists She ‘Didn’t Leave’ Her Husband Ryan Anderson For Ex-Fiancé! Girl... COME ON!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Insists She ‘Didn’t Leave’ Her Husband For Ex-Fiancé

Gypsy Rose Blanchard wants to make it clear her ex-fiancé had nothing to do with her pulling the plug on her two-year marriage to Ryan Anderson! Any of y’all buying it though??

Three months after the convicted murderer got out of prison, she and her husband broke up. The news came as quite a shock considering how much they couple were putting their love — and sexual chemistry — on front street. However, we’ve since heard Gypsy and Ryan experienced a lot of problems behind closed doors. TMZ sources claimed his alleged food hoarding habit caused a lot of tension between them. He allegedly got extremely mad when Gypsy tried to clean the refrigerator one day! His reaction shook the television personality so much that she left him for good!

Well… maybe that’s what happened.

Ryan tells a completely different tale of what led to their split! He blames her ex-fiancé Ken Urker for ruining their marriage when he swooped back into her life the second she left prison! Considering Gypsy and Ken got back together immediately after her split from Ryan, it’s hard not to assume her ex played a big part in the breakup! We mean… Even if she did break up with Ryan because of problems they were having, she clearly still did so with the knowledge her ex was out there, ready for her to break glass in case of emergency. Right?

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Well, Gypsy now insists he had nothing to do with her divorcing Ryan!

In an interview with Us Weekly on Wednesday, the unlikely celebrity said Ken “honestly wasn’t” the reason she left her estranged husband. That said, she did admit her history with Ken caused a lot of arguments in their marriage:

“It was, I think, an insecurity that was there for a very long time. I called Ken two weeks before I got married. Ken has consistently been brought up in a way that I can never let go of my feelings, but I put them on the back burner to do what was best for my marriage. And so, having that be a point of contention has been a thread throughout, but I didn’t leave Ryan for Ken. That was just sort of a realization [of], ‘Hey, we still love each other after the fact.’”

Come on, Gypsy… Who are you trying to kid here?

She can’t blame anyone for thinking she left Ryan for Ken! Days after the breakup announcement, they were hanging out already — and not just having coffee! They got matching tattoos ffs! They were seen holding hands! While they first claimed to be only friends, she eventually confirmed their rekindled romance by the end of April, the same month she filed for divorce!

So by the looks of it, Gypsy ditched her hubby for Ken — whether she’s willing to admit it to herself or not.

Yet Gypsy stands by her comment that she “didn’t leave” Ryan for her current beau. She told Us that a lot of factors went into their split, which we’ll all get to see on her upcoming Lifetime show Gypsy Rose: Life After Lockup. One reason that led to her split, she says, was because she wasn’t “happy”:

“It had been over time and people are going to see there was not just one set thing that led to that decision. It was a combination of a bunch of things, [for example] that I wasn’t happy and I wanted to be happy.”

“Over time.” You know how people grow apart over the course of three months together… They should compare notes with the Golden Bachelor couple.

Gypsy continued:

“I think so many women could probably relate to that, where it’s like, you want this relationship to work and so you stick it out, and then you wake up in the middle of the night and you’re like, ‘I’m not happy. The other person is, but I’m not and I’m living in my body. I’m the one that has to walk my path and it’s not fair to the other person to lead them on any further.’”

But… are you not happy because that other guy is consuming your every thought though? Hmm?

Ultimately, Gypsy says she doesn’t have any ill will toward Ryan. Umm… So what about those restraining orders then? She filed a temporary restraining order against him on the same day she filed for divorce in April. He also filed a restraining order against her for unknown reasons. That doesn’t sound like a totally amicable breakup to us! Things appear pretty messy, actually!

Gypsy explained to Us she only filed a restraining order over finances — and it’s not a no-contact order. Personally, though, they have decided not to speak to each other anymore:

“We have been in communication sparingly since I filed [for divorce], and I wish him the very best. Right now we have chosen to not communicate anymore, just because I think it’s probably best for our healing at this point, and we’re going to be going through the divorce and wishing each other the best. … I know the hurt is there, but hopefully we can move on from that and think of each other fondly in the future.”

LOLz — “hopefully we can move on.” She has already moved on… And she did so super fast, too! Now, Gypsy hopes to use the lessons she learned from her marriage to Ryan in her relationship with Ken. She explained:

“[Ken and I] met at a point in our life where I don’t think it would’ve worked out at that point because we had a lot of life and maturing to do. And so now that we’ve had a couple more years under our belt, we’re reconnecting. I am learning about relationships and I can take what I’ve learned of what to do [and] what not to do from my relationship with Ryan and apply that to my relationship with Ken going forward, realizing what I will stand for [and] what I won’t stand for. Mutual respect is super important.”

It is! Whether or not she’ll find what she’s looking for in a partner with Ken, we’ll see! But for now, they’re taking each day of their relationship one step at a time. Gypsy said they’re “trying to take it slow” — though she is not opposed to one day getting married again and having kids with Ken:

“I definitely think that marriage is something that I’m open to again. I have to get divorced first. We’re trying to take it slow right now. As for kids, yes, absolutely I want kids someday. I think that I’m going to be a good mother. I think Ken would be a wonderful father, and so we’ll see what the future holds for us.”

Hopefully, things turn out better this time around. What are your thoughts, Perezcious readers? Are you buying that Gypsy “didn’t leave” Ryan for Ken? Sound OFF in the comments below!

[Image via Gypsy Rose Blanchard/TikTok, Lifetime/Good Morning America/YouTube]

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May 31, 2024 12:15pm PDT

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