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Adele Dazeem, Er, Idina Menzel Was Totally Thrown Off Her Game After John Travolta Butchered Her Name At The Oscars! Is She Changing Her Tune?!

idina menzel let it go off her game 8 seconds
It was the name flub heard around the world, and even though Idina Menzel has totally let it go, the rest of the world, not so much.
In fact, everyone just really wants to know if the incident threw the Broadway queen off her game!
And it did! How could it not? We’d be shocked if someone got our name wrong after getting it right during rehearsals too!
On the Today show, the Frozen star admitted she heard it all go down, saying:

“I heard it, I did. I don’t want to keep saying it because I don’t want him to feel worse or anything, because he sent lots of apologies and everything that were really nice.
It threw me for like eight seconds because I had done this whole preparation to make sure I really was in my body and didn’t get too nervous, and let Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep sitting there make me so nervous. So I was picturing my son Walker and singing it to him like we do in the bathtub and make sure I breathe — and then [John Travolta] said my name like that and I was like, ‘Did that just happen?'”

Uh, yeah! We were all wondering the same thing!
Idina then got her shiz together after getting over the initial shock and did her thing! She said:

“Then the orchestra started and then for eight seconds, I said, ‘Get your s–t together! And like, stop worrying about your name and sing this song! The world is going to see this song.’ So, it took me about eight seconds to get over myself.”

LOLz! What a great internal pep talk!
The world will never EVER forget Adele Dazeem!
[Image via BauerGriffinOnline.]

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Apr 04, 2014 00:01am PDT