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John Stamos Remembered Bob Saget With Heartbreaking Eulogy At Memorial Service: 'My Lifeline'

John Stamos Remembered Bob Saget With Heartbreaking Speech At Memorial Service

John Stamos and Bob Saget were as thick as thieves, and this beautiful speech given at the Full House star’s memorial service proves that.

On Friday, The Los Angeles Times published Stamos’ full tribute to his dear friend, who sadly passed away on January 9. His cause of death is still unknown, but the stand-up comedian was found dead in his hotel room after performing for an audience in Florida.

Related: Jodie Sweetin Reflects On Bob Saget’s Death & Recent Engagement In 40th Birthday Post

Speaking to friends and family, John shared during the intimate funeral:

“I just wish he knew how much the world loved him when he was here. I spent many a night trying to convince him of how loved he really was (or maybe it was the other way around — him trying to convince me how loved he was). But that was just Bob bluster. There’s no way he thought his death would have this kind of impact. This is the kind of coverage that speaks to someone who genuinely connected with people, and not just for a moment, but for generations.”

The co-stars grew close, forming a decades-long friendship after first meeting on the set of the family sitcom beginning in the late ‘80s. Now as he mourns the tremendous loss, others are reaching out to him with flowers and letters as if he lost a spouse, Stamos reflected:

“One of the great honors of my life is being associated with him at this moment in time. I’ve gotten thousands of texts, emails and calls speaking to our 35-year friendship, telling me how sorry they were for my loss. People have even sent flowers like I lost my wife or something. Come to think of it, when we were together, we were like an old, married couple: all bickering, no sex.”

Just like an old, married couple, the performers would sometimes get caught up in small arguments, one of which occurred last summer. After he apologized to the How I Met Your Mother alum, John was struck by a beautiful tribute Bob wrote for his birthday, in which he called him “my brother.” Check out that special social media post (below).

It left a lasting impression on the Fuller House lead, who remarked:

“I may just read that every day for the rest of my life.”

The 58-year-old went on to explain:

“When I lost my parents, Bob was there for me like no other. He told dirty jokes and talked about himself as he hosted my dad’s funeral. He was there through divorces, deaths, despair and dark days. He was there through love, marriage, a child and bright times. He was my lifeline.”

The My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 lead also addressed Bob’s love of raunchy humor, especially in dark times, expressing:

“He loved hard and deep. (Cue Bob to make a joke out of ‘hard and deep’). He would do that during tragedies and honestly, it would piss me off sometimes. That’s how he got through the darkness, and sadly he had a lot of it in his life. Now that I’m dealing with him dying, I sort of get it.”

Like many, Stamos was “shattered” when he first heard the news of Saget’s death, especially considering how “alive” he looked in his last social media post, John noted:

“When I saw his last Instagram post, my first thought was he looked too ‘alive’ to die a few hours later. But I guess that’s right. We should all want to ‘die alive.’ We don’t want to be filled with regret and remorse, forgotten and discarded. We want to be overwhelmed with the privilege and bounty of doing what we do best. Bob felt young, energized, grateful and appreciated. The applause and laughter didn’t have time to die down before Bob did.”

Thanks to his wife Caitlin McHugh, the grieving friend was able to gather himself shortly after learning of Saget’s death and go be supportive of Bob’s loved ones, he shared:

“My supportive wife picked me up, threw me in the car and drove to Bob and [his wife] Kelly [Rizzo]’s house. That’s what Bob would have done if it were the other way around. I slipped into the backyard by myself. His last cigar was sitting in an ashtray by the jacuzzi. It was windy and balmy. I looked up to the sky and said, ‘Baby, please give me a sign from up there.’ (I called him Baby because that’s how he entered his info into my phone years ago.) ‘Tell me you’re alright. Tell me not to feel bad.'”

Then a hummingbird flew down, which he has always felt represented his late parents. To him, that bird was a message from his mother that Saget was okay “and to stop looking for goofy signs” since his friend was at peace.

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The Cali native continued:

“I don’t need Bob in some other realm. He’s in the lessons I teach my son and the hilarious dirty stories that my wife and I will laugh at for the rest of our lives. Hell, I can Google him to life and hear him any time, night or day. And now I can pause or fast forward him, which would have been incredible a few times while he was alive.”

The Glee alum ended his tear-jerking speech, saying:

“I’ve spent days refusing to let him go. But now I’m starting to realize I don’t have to. I don’t have to say goodbye because he’s never leaving my heart. And I will continue to talk to him every day and let him know what he means to me. Bob, I will never, ever have another friend like you. You will always be my best friend. You are my new guardian angel — a guardian angel with the dirtiest mouth and a heart as big and benevolent as forever. I love you, Baby.”

So, so beautiful. You can read John’s full eulogy HERE.

[Image via Brian To/WENN]

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Jan 21, 2022 12:19pm PDT