Kanye West’s campaign against Pete Davidson continues.
At this point, it’s getting hard to keep track of all of Ye’s outbursts about the SNL star, whom he refers to as “Skete.” The endless Instagram posts (and alleged vicious rumor-spreading) all stem from the fact that Pete is dating the rapper’s ex-wife, Kim Kardashian — or so we thought. According to Ye, there’s another reason for these relentless attacks.
Related: Uh Oh… Kanye Announces That He Followed Pete’s New Instagram Account
As we previously reported, on Thursday the Grammy winner posted a screenshot from a Weekend Update bit that Pete delivered in 2018. At the time, the comedian was reacting to Ye’s recent controversial SNL appearance. He jokingly discussed mental health issues from the perspective of someone who’s been very open about his own. Here’s the full video, to refresh your memory:
Kanye shared a screenshot of the segment to his IG on Monday with the caption:
Around an hour later, the 44-year-old returned to the subject. This time he was more explicit about what was going on. He posted a video of a cell phone, upon which video from the Weekend Update bit was playing. (Instead of the YouTube link we shared above, it looked like an Instagram Reel excerpt from the same video that someone had edited to include captions.) In the specific section Ye posted, Pete joked:
“I know you’re like, ‘No, this is the real me, I’m off the meds.’ Take ’em! There’s no shame in the medicine game. I’m on ’em. It’s great. There’s nothing wrong with — take ’em. If I ever got on a plane and the pilot said, ‘I just want you to know, this is the real me flying the plane,’ I’d jump out. Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass.”
Can’t say we disagree with him there. But of course Ye took serious issue with it. The father of four ominously captioned his post:
“This boy thought he could get away with performing this sketch for the team that wrote this for him This is not harassment This is payback”

Remember that Brooklyn Nine-Nine meme, “Cool motive, still murder?” Yeah, just because he’s acting out of revenge doesn’t make his actions not harassment!
On top of that, this is a video from four years ago. We understand that the content of the clip might be upsetting for Ye, but let’s be honest here. The only reason he’s bringing it up now, years later, is because Pete is dating Kim. He never had any interest in “payback” before, but now that the 28-year-old is encroaching upon what he sees as “his territory” (which, gross) he’s suddenly manufacturing a longstanding grudge.
The other thing we need to mention is the Donda artist’s jab that a “team wrote this” bit for Pete — so not only is he harassing the guy, he’s now trying to discredit his talent. Love or hate Pete’s comedy, he made a name for himself as a young standup and has proven himself as a joke writer. To suggest otherwise is just embarrassingly petty.
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And on top of all that, the King of Staten Island star has always been totally open about his own mental health issues, specifically being diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Even in that particular sketch, in which he expressed clear disagreement with Ye’s support of Donald Trump, he was still empathetic about the star’s mental health battles. Knowing Pete is dealing with his own struggles just makes all the public taunting seem all the more despicable.
And we haven’t even gotten into how Kim must be feeling about all of this, but we imagine it’s an absolutely miserable situation all around. We know she’s done her best to keep the peace, but Ye’s behavior has crossed a line. His actions are beyond petty and mean spirited, and are becoming increasingly alarming. We hope someone convinces him to drop this, and soon.
[Image via WENN & NBC/YouTube]