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Twitter Turns Kellyanne Conway Into A Savage Meme For Bringing Dumb Signs Onto Fox News!

kellyanne conway signs dragged on twitter
Kellyanne Conway knows how to cause viral news!
On Wednesday evening, the White House official made an appearance on Sean Hannity‘s Fox News show in order to spew some bullshit about Donald Trump‘s stance on the Russia investigation and the current scandal surrounding Donald Trump Jr. We doubt anyone actually heard what Miz Conway was trying to spin, as viewers were too distracted by the ridiculous visual aids she brought onto the news program.
Related: Andy Serkis Reads Trump’s Tweets As Gollum
During her appearance, the Trump lackey held up two pieces of paper — one which had the word collusion awkwardly crossed out and the other featured the phrase “illusion delusion.” You’ve got to be fucking kidding us, right?? The American people aren’t a bunch of kindergartners!
Amid her condescending and idiotic interview, Kellyanne explained:

“This is to help all the people at home. What’s the conclusion? Collusion? No, we don’t have that yet. I see illusion and delusion. So just so we’re clear everyone, four words. Conclusion, collusion no. Illusion, delusion, yes.”

How does this woman still have a job?? Thankfully, the internet quickly responded to Conway’s nonsense by making this TV moment into a meme. BLESS!
Be sure to ch-ch-check out the best reactions to the 50-year-old’s visual aids (below)!

Shockingly, POTUS’s confidant has since responded to the shade she’s received over the signs. Amid this meme fun, Conway wrote:

If you think WE’RE the humorless ones, then you are delusional. Smh.
[Image via Fox News.]

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Jul 13, 2017 09:46am PDT