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Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle Wrote Simon Rex A Thank You Note For Telling The Truth About Their Relationship

meghan markle, simon rex : meghan sent simon a thank you note for not lying to press about her sex life

We’re always glad to hear when someone from Meghan Markle’s past has her back.

The media — and the British press in particular — have been relentless in pulling the Duchess apart, snooping through her history and trying to make her look bad. It’s been so outrageous, she actually took a tabloid to court and won over the mistreatment. So we can well imagine that she really values the people in her life that refuse to play the media’s games.

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One of those people is Simon Rex, who was rumored to have dated the actress way back in the day. (They appeared in a 2005 episode of the sitcom Cuts together.) Simon has always been a renaissance man, working as a model, VJ, rapper, actor, and once upon a time, solo porn performer. It’s that last one that likely had the tabs chomping at the bit to get him on the record about a relationship with Meg.

Unfortunately for them, the What I Like About You alum refused – even when he was offered $70,000 (by multiple outlets) to LIE about sleeping with Prince Harry’s future wife. In a new interview with The Guardian, Simon admitted:

“I was broke as f**k! I really needed the money. But I’ll be on food stamps before I do that.”

Because the MTV star stuck to his principles, Meghan sent him a thank-you note (which he now has framed in his home in Joshua Tree). It read:

“‘It’s nice to know there are still good people.'”

And for the record, there wasn’t anything to dish about their dating history — The Guardian described the co-stars’ offscreen relationship as “one platonic lunch.” Back in 2020, he also spoke about it on the Hollywood Raw podcast, sharing:

“Nothing happened. We never even kissed. It was just, like, we hung out once in a very non-datey way. She was just someone I had met on a TV show and we got lunch. That was the extent of it.”

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There are plenty of other people who would make mountains out of molehills just to cash in on the Suits alum’s fame. Her own half-sister sold an autobiography called The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister, despite the fact that they were never even close (at least in Meghan’s version of events).

With that in mind, we can understand why Meghan would be so grateful to Simon for refusing to play the tabloids’ games. Although it’s seriously depressing that “not lying to the press about her sex life” is such an act of kindness for her. The bar for not betraying the Duchess is heartbreakingly low.

[Image via WENN & A24/YouTube]

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Mar 15, 2022 06:50am PDT