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Be Warned: Miley Cyrus Is Being Trained In Street Fighting


She’s going to be a mean, lean, perky movie star queen!

Recently, it was announced that Miley Cyrus’ next project after hanging up her Hannah Montana wig for good is a movie called So Undercover, about a young woman in the FBI who goes undercover in a sorority.

From what we gather, this movie is going to be action-packed, with a lot of scenes of Miley kicking a lot of butt. As the movie is set to go into production next month, Miley has some work ahead of her and she admitted to sources that she is already getting into shape for the role.

And she is not messing around! She explained:

“I’ve been actually doing all kinds of stuff. … I’ve been doing fighting, like learning how to box … mostly like street-fighting, so knowing how to, like, if someone comes up from behind you, being able to defend yourself. I have a trainer and I have bruises everywhere from, like, kicking the bags. … And I’ve learned how to use guns, which was really scary. I cried the first time, I was like, ‘I’m not doing this … can’t do this movie,’ [but] then you get used to it, you get used to the feeling. You get used to, like, dropping, like he’ll like point it at you and you’ve got to drop down real quick and grab your weapon and come back up. It’s been really insane, so, it’s a more fun workout than running on a treadmill.”

Boxing? Street-fighting? Guns?! Where did itty-bitty Smiley Miley go?!

Times they are a-changin’, but we’re also really pleased to hear how dedicated she is to the craft. She sounds really committed to getting into the role as much as possible. We’re proud of that!

Can’t wait to see all the hard work pay off!

[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 09, 2010 17:18pm PDT