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Cravings During Lady Time


Dietician and co-author of Mom Energy Ashley Koff R.D. is back to answer some of your questions!

And she’s talking to you, ladies! Ashley’s got some great advice when it comes to cravings during that special time of the month.

Question: Hello. My name is Angelica and my 2 part question is in regards to women’s healthy eating and menstruation.
During the time our “monthly visitor” stops by, some women crave sweets or fatty foods that we normally have ease staying away from. What’s going on with our body that makes us have these cravings?
Can you suggest any healthier, “guilt free” or “not so greasy” alternatives?

Thank you,

Answer: Hi. PMS and during menstruation our bodies seek nutrients like magnesium (pms), iron, and carbohydrates so choosing foods rich in these nutrients can help to offset cravings. Choosing high quality sources like oats, organic fruits, lentils, spinach, nuts and seeds will be effective so you could make a homemade trail mix or quinoa bowl with these ingredients or an egg scramble with spinach and avocado and a side of berries. Keep in mind, that its as important to focus on what you choose to avoid. Alcohol, caffeine, added sugars, and highly processed foods will make your symptoms worse and can create a vicious cycle of cravings. For example, if you drink at night and don’t sleep well then wake up tired and with bad cramps, coffee or a soda will worsen your cramps and create more sugar cravings. So skip the drink and have a magnesium rich dinner which relaxes cramps so that you can sleep better. Wake up to water with lemon and a bowl of oats with nuts and cinnamon, your day will go a lot better.

For more tips and advice, check out Ashley’s website HERE.

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Jul 27, 2011 14:30pm PDT

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