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The Wu Tang Rapper Who Cut Off His Penis? He Says It Still Works & He’ll Prove It -- In Porn!

Remember that guy who jumped off a building and cut off his own penis? And then got it miraculously reattached?
Well, he’s said it before, and he’ll say it again: it still works!
While admitting to have done PCP, the rapper affiliated with Wu Tang Christ Bearer had an important message for the kids:

“Kids say no to drugs. Kids don’t do drugs.”

Yeah, we’re pretty sure Christ Bearer is pretty much a living, breathing PSA for anti-drug use seeing how he severed his own dong while on them.
Also, stay away from knives! We’d like to throw in that kids, in general, should stay away from knives. Knives and body parts don’t mix well.
When asked if his fully reattached junk still works, Christ Bearer scoffed at the question:

“Does it work?!? Can Chris Brown dance? Can Kanye West rant? Can Jay Z fight off a trick?…Vivid, get at me.”

Well, Vivid’s Steve Hirsch has expressed interest, but wants to see his junk first before making any offers.
We’ll see how this situation develops, and whether Christ Bearer will be a hard worker for Vivid.

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Jul 01, 2014 17:21pm PDT

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