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Rebel Wilson Claims Royal Family Member Brought Her To An MDMA-Fueled Orgy!

Rebel Wilson Claims Royal Family Member Invited Her To An MDMA-Fueled Orgy!

Rebel Wilson has even more shocking bombshells up her sleeve!

We already knew she had a lot to say about Sacha Baron Cohen in her new memoir. But it turns out Rebel Rising also has a juicy story about the Windsors! Well, one of them anyway… The Pitch Perfect star claims a member of the royal family once invited her to a lavish, drug-fueled orgy back in 2014! What?!?

In the book, the comedian keeps the guy’s identity vague — saying a “Windsor” who was like “fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne” told her she should attend some US tech billionaire’s shindig because they needed “more girls” in attendance:

“I got thrown a last-minute invite to a tech billionaire’s party — the guy who invited me, who’s like fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne, had said to my male friend, ‘We need more girls’.”

Little did she know why!

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She explained that she turned up to the party, hosted at a huge mansion outside of LA, wearing a “buxom damsel outfit complete with cone hat”:

“It was a vibe.”

LOLz! Everything was going well at first — crazy, but the innocent kind. She detailed:

“The party was insane. Men were jousting on horses in a field, girls dressed as mermaids were in the pool. The property was massive, and because it was quite a drive, people had been assigned rooms to sleep there overnight.”

First red flag perhaps? Not for her! Remember, she’s said this is about a year before she lost her virginity! At this time the poor girl was just trying to get noticed:

“I watch the British royal flounder around whilst I continuously hike up my boobs. They are my best physical asset.”

The red flag came much later, and it was more like a starting gun! The Senior Year star recalled:

“There’s a huge private fireworks display and then all of a sudden it’s 2am and a guy comes out with a large tray piled with what looks like a ton of candy.”

It’s then that she discovered there was more to this party than she initially realized:

“I’m like, ‘Ooooh, is that candy?’ and the guy holding the tray says, ‘No, this is the molly [MDMA],’ and I turned to the screenwriter I’ve been talking with, confused. He says, ‘Oh, it’s for the orgy.'”

Sorry, WHAT?!

“‘It’s about to start… The orgies normally start at these things about this time.'”

Yep, she heard him right! Rebel says all the pieces finally fell into place:

“Now the comment by the Windsor about needing more girls started to make a lot more sense. They weren’t talking about a boy-girl ratio like it was a year-eight disco. They were talking about an ORGY!”


Again, this was around a year before she lost her virginity at age 35 — so it was extra shocking to her:

“So I’m like two minutes away from being in an orgy… for my first sexual experience!”

But no, she was NOT interested in losing it that way! She couldn’t find her other, non-Royal friend for “help.” She thought about going to her designated room but then considered it might already be occupied by, well, a mass of revelers on molly! Besides, the tone got way sinister all of a sudden for her…

“I also get this weird feeling that maybe all this is being filmed by hidden cameras — but that’s just a gut instinct.”

Whoa! Could this “tech billionaire” have been doing more than enjoying the party? Creepy!!! What did Rebel do? She literally ran away:

“Needless to say, I hike up my damsel dress and run out of there as fast as I can — not looking back for fear I’ll witness some insane centipede of tech guys and Hollywood wispies around the fire pit.”

Later she could laugh about it, but at the time it was understandably overwhelming! She explained:

“Some of my friends have subsequently told me that I should’ve just tried the orgy. But that would’ve been like going from zero to a thousand.”

We bet! Most folks don’t have an MDMA orgy in their entire sexual history, let alone for their opening move! Wild!

So who was the royal??

FWIW, Prince Harry — who has admitted to taking magic mushrooms, cocaine, and cannabis in his own book Spare — is even now fifth in line to the throne. His embattled relative Prince Andrew, who has been accused of sexual abuse and taking part in orgies before, is eighth in line — or at least, he would be if there was any chance they wouldn’t make him step down.

So unless she grossly misremembered their place in the line of succession at the time — or distorted it to protect someone’s identity — Rebel was talking about a much lesser-known royal. In fact, this person would have been pushed even further down the line now that Harry and Prince William have welcomed so many kids since ’14! Hmm…

Any guesses who this royal was?! Share ‘em (below)!

[Image via Joseph Marzullo/WENN]

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Apr 22, 2024 11:51am PDT