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Sex & The City

Sex & The City Fans! Get Your First Look At Aidan's Long-Awaited Return!

Sex And The City And Just Like That Aidan Shaw Return John Corbett Sarah Jessica Parker

Sex And The City fans have been waiting a long time for this… and it’s finally real! Um… or is it?

Before …And Just Like That even started filming, John Corbett teased his return as Aidan Shaw, a fan favorite love interest of Carrie Bradshaw’s. Aidan was sort of the anti-Big. Instead of traditional Rat Pack machismo, he had a relaxed ’90s masculinity. No cigars, no calling his girlfriend “kid.” Instead he was a dog lover, he had long hair, and he was a talented, kind carpenter. For many fans, he was a dream relationship — that Carrie messed up to go back to the exciting yet toxic push-pull dynamic of Big.

So when Corbett spilled he was being brought back for several episodes, many old school fans thought this was their chance at a do-over! A REAL do-over! Not that tease we got in the second movie!

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And then… he just didn’t show up. Even after Carrie and Big were *ahem* separated for good, he never re-entered the picture! Then we learned last summer he would finally be making his big return in Season 2! What will that look like? Well, there’s good news for fans of the couple — in the form of set photos!

Courtesy of Sarah Jessica Parker and the official AJLT Instagram accounts, we give you… An American Boy In New York: Part Deux!

Oh, come on! They’re not even hiding that Carrie and Aidan are getting back together? They’re walking down the street looking like the cats that caught the canary! Heck, they’re even holding hands! This is a sure thing now, right??

Well, temper your expectations, shippers! Remember that the crew of the HBO Max hit was all too aware of the fact filming on the streets of New York City brought with it a certain amount of attention. Last time around, they even filmed fake scenes to wrongfoot obsessive fans! They even allowed photos to be taken of a script someone had conveniently left out in which Carrie talked about getting divorced from Big — something which did not happen at all. Yes, they went so far to protect the twists of the show, they went full Scream with fake scripts! Diabolical.

So while we expect everyone to freak out just a little, remember these pics could very well be staged just for promo — and the misdirect from what really happens. Like maybe Aidan turns out to be gender fluid and then dies from slipping in the shower. We don’t expect any of that — but just remember, this isn’t SATC — it’s AJLT! You never actually know what the writers are up to!

[Image via MEGA/Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.]

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Jan 13, 2023 17:18pm PDT