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Tristan Thompson's Lawyer SLAMS Sydney Chase's 'Liar' Comments In New Statement On Cheating Allegations

Tristan Thompson's lawyer goes IN on alleged mistress Sydney Chase!

Sydney Chase may be confident in her story, but that doesn’t scare Tristan Thompson‘s legal team one bit!

As we’ve been reporting, Sydney is the Instagram model and influencer at the heart of the latest cheating scandal involving Khloé Kardashian‘s baby daddy. After the 23-year-old shocked the world with her tale of their alleged entanglement , the last few weeks have been nothing but drama — and a few legal maneuvers, too!

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Most recently, Chase responded to a cease-and-desist letter sent by Marty Singer — Tristan’s lawyer — by boldly claiming that she “will not be called a liar” in regards to the claims of infidelity made against the NBA star. Well, on Thursday, Singer struck back!

Page Six obtained a copy of a new letter Singer sent directly to Chase, in which he attempts to refute her claims and walk back her “liar” statement. In part, the legal powerhouse wrote (below):

“You have stated to the media that ‘I will not be called a liar.’ You claim that your statements about supposedly receiving texts from my client [Thompson] are true. You also were reading and quoting from those fictitious texts. You claim that those texts you allegedly received prove you had an affair with my client. However, notwithstanding continued requests from me and from the press to provide the texts to back up your specious accusations, you have refused to do so. On three separate occasions including my email today, we have asked you to give us copies of the texts you claim you received from my client, but you have refused.”

And he wasn’t done there! More from Singer (italics in this paragraph below are his), in a passage where he gets very, very specific about the timeline of the alleged text messages involved in the claimed infidelity:

“Articles published by multiple media outlets state that they also asked you for copies of the purported texts to prove their existence. While you claim that your statements about the texts are not false, you persistently refuse to provide evidence that they exist and allegedly support your claims … The inescapable conclusion is that they do not exist. Before I sent my first legal demand, you told the media that you could not show them the alleged texts from my client because you falsely stated that you were dealing with Mr. Thompson’s lawyer — something that had not yet occurred. Then, after I sent you my legal demand on April 30, you made the inconsistent (and false) claim that you had not received my legal demand letter. You admitted that you received my letter at your valid email address only after being confronted with proof.”

Whoa! Extensive!

From there, Singer made his grand conclusion, again asserting Chase allegedly wasn’t being completely truthful in her public claims about True Thompson‘s father. He also added more about his first attempt to reach Sydney by that cease-and-desist letter:

“So that it is clear, before I communicated with you, you falsely claimed you were supposedly dealing with Mr. Thompson’s lawyer and therefore could not show the texts. Then you claimed that you had not received my April 30 demand letter by email despite later acknowledging that the email address we used is yours — an address that includes your birth year, is identified as yours via LexisNexis, and an address that from which my emails did not bounce back. You keep changing the purported ‘facts’ to fit your story. We again demand that you stop defaming Mr. Thompson with defamatory falsehoods. If you persist in this wrongful conduct, you will continue to be exposed to significant liability.”


Just those words at the end — “you will continue to be exposed to significant liability” — make our heart race. Tristan is NOT playing around!

But Chase stood up to legal threats once, of course. Maybe she’s got the confidence in her side of the story to do so again?? After all, she previously told Page Six that she did have evidence of her alleged affair with Thompson, but didn’t want to reveal it publicly as “this is now a legal matter that lawyers will handle.” Wonder what she’s got up her sleeve!!!

Related: Khloé Shares Cryptic Quote Amid Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal!

What do U make of this controversy, Perezcious readers??? Will Sydney back down at this point?! This sure is some aggressive lawyering! Or do U think she’ll see things through and stick by her story?? Sound OFF with your take on this quickly-growing Tristan controversy down in the comments (below)…

[Image via Tristan Thompson/Instagram/Sydney Chase/Instagram]

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May 07, 2021 09:02am PDT