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Britney Spears Ex Says She Was Still In Love With Justin Timberlake For Years -- And Stared At Him On TV!

Britney Spears Ex Says She Was Still In Love With Justin Timberlake For Years -- And Stared At Him On TV

Britney Spears had a hard time getting over Justin Timberlake!

The pop star’s ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib, who dated her just months before she went into a conservatorship in 2008, claims the singer was left “mesmerized” by the *NSYNC star looong after they broke up! Speaking to The US Sun on Tuesday, the former paparazzo recalled how JT was the only ex the Grammy winner would ever mention — her baby daddy Kevin Federline included! He dished:

“We never talked in depth about any relationship she had prior to me. If there was a time that she ever inadvertently, and I use that word selectively, mentioned anybody prior to me, it was only ever Justin. So there was an exclusivity, which made me understand that there was something deeper or unresolved about that relationship. Because when you have five relationships, but you only mention one in any given instance, then you have to ask yourself why. I never pushed about anything in their relationship, but there were times where she did mention him and him only.”

Inneresting! Britney and Justin went through so much, including a secret abortion as teens that haunted her, so she likely did have some “unresolved” feelings after the sudden split.

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Now, looking back at their conversations, Adnan (who Brit once thought she got pregnant with also) believes the musician was always subtly trying to work those lingering emotions out. He explained:

“She would ask me questions that make more sense today — like she was having questions answered by the new guy to make sense of the relationship she had with Justin. One time she asked me if I would have had kids with someone if I was in my twenties. I said there’s no timeline on when you have kids, there’s no right or wrong time. I think she was asking me, subtly, whether it was right for him not to want to have kids at that time.”

Whoa! As she revealed in her memoir, the couple got pregnant when they were both around 19, but the Sexyback singer insisted they were too young to be parents and convinced her to get an abortion. It’d been five years (!!) since their breakup in 2002 and she was still processing this. Oof…

As for her former dancer ex K-Fed, with whom she was actively co-parenting two kids at the time, Britney managed to avoid speaking about him entirely, the security consultant noted:

“She never talked about Kevin, even when it came to picking up the kids, dropping the kids off late or whatever. She never talked as if he existed. She only ever mentioned Justin.”

Intense not even to mention Kev! Shows how significant Justin was to her. To prove this, Adnan recalled once watching the Circus star stop in her tracks when her ex-beau came on screen, sharing:

“I saw her catch sight of the TV, where a show, playing on mute, showed pictures of her and him at a red carpet event. I just remember her stopping and staring at the TV. She didn’t want to know what was being said but it mesmerized her, like it was just something she needed to see. And I held back on asking anything as a matter of respect.”


Even to Adnan, it was clear Britney looked back at her romp with the boy bander through rose-colored glasses:

“Britney looked back at that time with nostalgia. Your first love is the first love. You look back as an adult to reflect on what could have been aside from the failures — and Justin was special. Maybe she missed parts of herself in that relationship, when they were young and had so much fun. He has gone onto be very successful and from what people say, Justin is a terrific guy. There seemed to be a purity in Britney’s eyes about him and their relationship. Justin has never said anything bad about Britney and he seemed to respect the privacy of that relationship.”

Justin may not have talked yet, but the Sometimes vocalist is sure spilling all the tea now! And so is Adnan!

It’s honestly sad (but understandable) to see how long the heartbreak has stayed with her! Hopefully putting it to paper helped her let go of any residual pain she might still be feeling. Ya know? Thoughts?! Let us know (below)!

[Image via Michael Wright/WENN/Avalon]

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Oct 24, 2023 14:40pm PDT