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Elementary School Takes The Word 'Gay' Out Of Deck The Halls

gay school time
The (above) picture is evidence that the gay gods use to smile down on Traverse City, Michigan’s Cherry Knoll Elementary School. We’re predicting a lot fewer double rainbows next semester!
The school has decided to take the word “gay” from their school’s rendition of Deck the Halls.
We can only guess this word-change has been brought on because: A) They don’t think the kids can handle the fact that sometimes one word can have two meanings OR B) the school is ran by a bunch of homophobes!
What did they replace it with? May we suggest “Don we now our gay ultra fab apparel”?? That’s MUCH less gay AND neither of those words have double meaning, so it’s totes safe! LOL!
Clearly, it’s an anti-gay thing. That’s why people from around the world are commenting on the school’s facebook page. They’ve received hundreds of comments that seem to share a similar sentiment as this Gaylynn Howton, who posted:

“Deck the Halls should be sung the way it was written. Leave “gay” in the song. Telling students that the word “gay” is bad and helps to enforce bullying, which by the way is against state policy in Michigan schools.”

Agreed! Agreed! What kind of school can’t teach its children tolerance; if not acceptance??
Any children reading this should know that saying the word “gay” does NOT make you gay. The world “gay” also means happy. In this cause, that’s what it means.
Have a totally gay holiday everyone!
image via facebook

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Dec 05, 2011 23:15pm PDT

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