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Melania Trump

Melania Trump Refused To Use Same Shower & Toilet As Michelle Obama, Former Bestie Claims!

Melania Trump refused to use same bathroom as Michelle Obama

These new accusations about Melania Trump just keep getting worse and worse!

As we’ve been reporting, a new tell-all titled Melania & Me paints an unflattering portrait of the First Lady with regard to her icy relationship with step-daughter Ivanka Trump (who, interestingly enough, apparently referred to Mel as “The Portrait” because she barely speaks).

But now, new excerpts from the book claim that the former model wasn’t just petty, she was racist! And we aren’t just talking about supporting her infamous hubby’s birther conspiracy theory.

Author Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who used to be besties with Donald Trump’s wife, claimed Melania told her she wouldn’t move into the White House until the shower and toilet used by Michelle Obama in the presidential residence were replaced. Not just cleaned, Perezcious readers: REPLACED.

Wow. Not the least bit okay.

Related: Cardi B Reminds Everyone Of Melania’s Nudes

And we all thought Melania took forever to move into the White House because she was upset with her husband over the scandals that came to light during and after his campaign — like the infidelity and misconduct claims!

However, her former BFF paints a very different picture. Elsewhere in her book, Wolkoff spilled the tea on Melania’s actual reaction to her hubby’s “grab ‘em by the p***y” hot mic scandal — and if you could believe it, FLOTUS was apparently unfazed by Donald’s disgusting words, according to Wolkoff.

While Melania expressed mild disapproval of her husband’s remarks in her public reaction to the scandal in public, Wolkoff claims that the mother-of-one was actually LOL-ing behind the scenes.

Wolkoff told ABC‘s Good Morning America ahead of the Tuesday release of her memoir:

“The day that the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape came out she reached out to have lunch. Now, if any other human being or any other one of my friends I would have expected to see them in tears, right? She was smiling. It was as if nothing happened… I said to her, how many times have you heard the word p***y and president in the same sentence and we burst out laughing. Then I said, ‘Are you upset and doesn’t it get you angry’ and… Melania is a pragmatist. Melania, if you can’t control people’s emotions, then why even worry about it. And that’s how she lived her life and that is what she stood by every day.”

Wow. This sounds so different from the previously reported reactions of the First Lady being so upset by the scandal she was distancing herself from her husband. We mean, remember that iconic moment when Mel refused to hold Donny’s hand? Was that all for show!?

For what it’s worth, the White House has disputed much of Wolkoff’s book. Stephanie Grisham, Melania’s chief of staff, said a statement:

“Anybody who secretly tapes their self-described best friend is by definition, dishonest. The book is not only full of mistruths and paranoia, it is based on some imagined need for revenge. Wolkoff builds herself up while belittling and blaming everyone she worked with, yet she still managed to be the victim. Sadly, this is a deeply insecure woman who’s need to be relevant defies logic.”

You can decide for yourself who is being honest here, folks. See more of what Wolkoff has to say about her former friend (below):

What do U think about this, Perezcious readers? Is Melania a complicit, racist First Lady behind closed doors? Or is this just a bunch of fake news?

[Image via Instar/WENN]

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Aug 31, 2020 14:56pm PDT