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Teen Mom's Amber Portwood & Fiancé Gary Wayt Call Off Engagement After His Disappearance!

Amber Portwood & Fiancé Gary Wayt Call Off Engagement After His Disappearance!

Nearly two weeks after her missing fiancé was found, Amber Portwood and Gary Wayt have ended their engagement.

A source told Us Weekly on Tuesday that the pair “decided that it’s over between them and their engagement is off.” That insider added:

“They have too much to overcome to move forward together.”

Oof. The source shared that there has “been some closure” for the Teen Mom star as they have communicated, despite a previous report suggesting they haven’t. They insisted the 39-year-old former fiancé is “not ghosting her.” It sounds like their talks since Gary was found ultimately resulted in her ending things with Gary for good, though:

“Amber took off the engagement ring and it’s the best thing. She is sad and she cares about him, but she is willing to see that he is not the right guy for her. She wants to be with someone who accepts her fully.”

Related: Ben Affleck Spotted Without Wedding Ring — As Jennifer Lopez Stuns At Paris Fashion Week!

What does that mean? Apparently, his family weren’t her biggest fans! The source noted that news of Amber and Gary’s engagement “created some family tension,” explaining:

“Gary’s family was looking her up online and looking at her past and not everything they saw online was true. And it was hard for Amber because she’s been trying so hard to move past it and move forward.”

Was that what caused their big argument before Gary drove off and disappeared for days? Over his family not accepting Amber? If so, that is rough and definitely a hard thing to “overcome.” Naturally, the source mentioned this is a “very difficult” time for Amber, but she’s a “strong person” and “is going to be OK.”

Breakups aren’t easy, especially one with a very dramatic lead-up like this. We’re wishing Amber the best as she heals from the end of her relationship. Thoughts, y’all?

[Image via MTV’s Teen Mom/YouTube/Bryson City Police Department]

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Jun 26, 2024 10:37am PDT