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All That Was Learned From Seth Rogen & James Franco's Live Tweeting Of The Interview!

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Seth Rogen and James Franco have been doing their best to make sure that everyone who sees their controversial flick The Interview has a great time.
So far, they’ve made multiple surprise visits at movie theaters screening it, but obvi they can’t go to all of them!
That’s why there’s Twitter!
[ Related: Can YOU Guess How Much The Interview Made From Online Downloads?!? ]
The duo, along with director Evan Goldberg, decided to watch the flick and live tweet it with their fans on Sunday.
Franco was late to the party, but thankfully we got tons of interesting nuggets from Rogen!
But be warned… they are literally ALL spoilers!
So, here’s what we learned from their live tweets:
The movie opens with a little girl sweetly singing a super horrible song about Americans getting raped! Well, Rogen said:


Then he moved on to the scene when Eminem came out as gay:

Oh, and remember Rob Lowe?

While many people probably already knew (or guessed as much), the movie was in fact made in Vancouver, NOT North Korea:

They hate us ’cause they ain’t us, orrrrr:

Kim Jong-Un does not poop and can talk to dolphins… what?!


It’s okay, Seth. Most people would be terrified of a tiger:

North Korea or bust?

Hey, can you blame them? Katy Perry is distracting as heck!

Awww! DIGBY!

Worth it:

Worst. Breakfast. EVER.


Another fact, no matter what Dennis Rodman is made to believe (can someone get him a fake grapefruit as proof???):

But this would be so much less dramatic! At least he can admit the cinematic flaws!

Whaaaa??? That’s awesome!!!

As for Franco, he chimed in about an hour late, and may or may not have been non-sober, judging by the amount of typos in his tweets. But he did make sure to get this in there:

So, there you have it! A man sh*t his pants. The end.

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Dec 29, 2014 10:02am PDT