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Alexander Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgård Wants To Be Known For More Than His Pecs

Alexander Skarsgard

Alexander Skarsg├â┬Ñrd, who plays viking vampire Eric on HBO’s True Blood, wants to be known for more than just his hot, hot bod!

In the September Issue of Men’s Journal, the actor opened up about the future of his career, saying:

“You tend to get a lot of offers that are, like, the hot guy and those parts aren’t very fun. I hope there’s something more to me than my pecs.”

There so is! His abs, eyes, biceps, hair, and butt are great too! LOLz!

We’re only kidding! Well, actually we’re not. All those things about him really are pretty great, but so is his acting!

If he couldn’t act, we wouldn’t be talking about him! It just doesn’t hurt that he looks good with his shirt off too.

ASkars also has a sense of humor to add to his long list of seksi features. When asked about losing his virginity, he answered, “That was 2008, I think. Best eight seconds of my life.”

HA! It gets better too! He has been named Sweden’s Sexiest Man five times in a row, to which he joked:

“Every single day, I wake up and look in the mirror and think, Five times, mother****er. Five times.”

We know he’s kidding, but we wouldn’t care if he wasn’t! Bragging rights are bragging rights!

We’re sure ASkars latest performance as Kate Bosworth‘s crazy ex-boyfriend in the remake of Straw Dogs will help people realize he’s not just a pretty face. Check it out in theaters this Friday!

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Sep 15, 2011 13:30pm PDT

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