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Courtney Love Talks Reuniting With Frances Bean Cobain! Will The Reconciliation Last???

courtney love wants to reunite with frances bean cobain will the reconciliation happen
These two have had a very love-hate relationship with each other, but this momma wants to make it all love!
Well, so far so good!
Courtney Love recently had an interview where she talked about her relationship with her daughter Frances Bean Cobain, and how they’re getting on these days.
She also talks about how it felt when these two were very publicly apart!
Here’s what she said about the before and after:

“It was a really dark public humiliation. My own kid. Not fun. But without getting into her personal life, which she’s very private about, she saw people being dishonest and craven, and she eventually came back and said I need my mom. She inherited my big mouth and her dad’s temperament. She’s not someone who should be in the public eye, at this point. I’m glad she didn’t do all the kind of things she was offered because of her beauty and provenance, like to be in Twilight at 15. What she really needs, at this point in her life, is the next level of education.”

Sounds like a pretty good plan!
We have a feeling Frances will excel at school wherever she goes, if she decides to go.
Courtney also talked about how hard it’s been since the death of her late husband Kurt Cobain, but also how much harder it’s been on her daughter. She said:

“It’s hard for me, but I think it’s much harder for Frances. She has no memories of her father. Not one. So that sucks.”

We know it does. But we have a feeling that wherever Kurt is, he’s super proud of his baby girl!
It’s hard for anyone not to be! She’s really grown into her own!
And somehow, in someway, Courtney Love did have a part in that!
[Image via HNW/iPhoto/WENN & Image via Twitter.]

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Apr 07, 2014 14:29pm PDT