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Dad Wears SHORT Shorts To Prove A Point To His Daughter!

dad embrasses himself to make a point

Who wears short shorts? This dad does!

After Scott Mackintosh‘s wife asked their daughter Myley to wear a different pair of shorts and was refuted – the dad from Utah decided to wear his own version of the cutoff pants.

If you thought your parents ever embarrassed you, that was nothing compared to this!

Just check out the picture of him (above) that the daughter posted after the incident.

Here’s what Myley said in the picture’s caption:

“My mom told me to change my ‘slutty’ shorts before we went to dinner. I said no. So my dad cut his jeans to fit in. We went to dinner and then mini golf like this.”

Hmm, well we’re not sure it’s right to call a daughter’s shorts slutty, but we can certainly understand how they’d make a father uncomfortable!

The father wrote on his website to try and explain why he wore the very short jean cutoff pants.

Here’s what he wrote:

“I know the world has varying degrees of what is modest and what is not when it comes to clothing. In our family we have pretty definite modesty guidelines; No mid-drift or low-cut shirts, no short-shorts, short skirts and we even go as far as saying no sleeveless shirts unless playing sports or on the beach. Having raised four daughters and three sons, I’m a bit protective. Some may call me old fashion, but I call it “A Dad who loves his daughters” (and sons too) I know some of you may be rolling your eyes and that’s okay, my daughter does it all the time. I’m a firm believer that the way we dress sends messages about us, and it influences the way we and others act.”

Parents and kids are destined to have conflicts, and that is exactly what this sounds like here.

But not all conflicts end with their short shorts wearing dad becoming a viral internet sensation!

Since it was the daughter who posted the picture, and the dad who wore the pants – we’d call that some amazing father-daughter teamwork.

Nice job, you two!

[Image via Tumblr.]

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Sep 16, 2013 15:31pm PDT