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Former US Intelligence Official Claims Government Has 'Non-Human' Bodies In Its Possession During UFO Hearing!!

Former US Intelligence Official Testifies Aliens Exist – And That The Government Has ‘Non-Human Bodies’ In Its Possession!!

Is the alien invasion… already upon us?!

UFOs have been a hot topic of conversation lately, especially after balloon-like flying objects were spotted across the country earlier this year. But now we don’t just have claims of unidentified anomalous phenomena, as they are officially called, but of real-life aliens!

Wednesday marked a major turning point in the ongoing quest for answers about the universe when three retired military veterans testified at a House hearing amid a push to get the US government to release more information about UFO sightings, alleging it has become a national security problem.

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Among those testifying was David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer who claims he became aware of a highly-secretive UFO recovery program that allegedly retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects and believes the federal government has covered up its research on extraterritorial life for decades.

In this week’s hearing, he broke down these allegations in a lengthy testimony, claiming in 2019 he was working for the National Reconnaissance Office, the agency that operates US spy satellites, when he discovered the UAP task force. He said:

“I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access.”

The most shocking claim then came when he suggested the US government is in possession of UAPs that have crashed to Earth! When pressed about this, he also claimed they have the bodies of the dead pilots! Yes, really!! David said loud and clear:

“As I’ve stated publicly already in my NewsNation interview, biologics came with some of these recoveries, yup.”

He clarified:

“Non-human, and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge of the program that I talked to that are currently still on the program.”


They have non-human bodies?! We have so many questions!

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As he referenced, David first made these claims in an interview in June, adding at the time that the US officials have “quite a few” spacecrafts that landed or crashed in the country. He also revealed he believes the government first became aware of non-human technology all the way back in the 1930s! This is well before one of the most famous incidents of a potential UFO sighting in Roswell in 1947, FWIW. Since then, he thinks there’s been a “multi-decade campaign to disenfranchise public interest,” including making it difficult for pilots and others to report UFO sights for fear of repercussions. In the testimony, he even claimed he faced personal and professional consequences for speaking out about his allegations, but couldn’t get into details because of an ongoing whistleblower retaliation investigation. Jeez.

Last month, a spokesperson for the Pentagon said there was not “any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.” They have not responded to the latest testimony yet.

This was the second public congressional panel held this year, and it’s the first time David has insisted under oath that aliens are here on Earth. So, he certainly believes what he’s saying. Now we just hope these hearings will help result in the government releasing more information because we are intrigued! You can hear more from the high-profile meeting (below):

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[Image via NewsNation/Movieclips/YouTube]

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Jul 26, 2023 13:30pm PDT