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Ben Affleck, Batman, Needs Your Help To Save Bats! It's Save The Bats Week! Bats!

Daredevil Batman Ben Affleck has an important message and he needs your help!
While making his new movie, Daredevil 2 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, where he’ll be playing Batman, Ben and the whole crew learned a whole lot about bats!
Shocking! LOLz!
What they learned was pretty sad though. There’s a condition called white-nose syndrome and it affects bats in half the U.S. and parts of Canada.
It’s a fungus that came over from Europe and it’s killing bats!
So with the help of people like the film’s director Zack Snyder and another star in the movie, Amy Adams, they brought #SaveTheBats to their film set and constructed bat-houses!!
Coolest part? The bat-houses are built from recycled wood from their set! Batman and Superman fought inside those bat-houses sort of we guess! LOLz!
They’re doing their part to help save the environment by protecting our bats! That’s great!
Check out the video (below) to hear Ben’s message and see some HUGE bats!!

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Oct 29, 2014 15:53pm PDT