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Steve Harvey Is The Latest Celebrity To Meet With Donald Trump At His Golden Towers!

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Survey says: This is ridiculous…
If you’re still holding out hope that Donald Trump won’t be a complete failure as the President of the United States, we’re sorry to say his most recent meeting isn’t doing him any favors.
That’s because just weeks after getting advice from Kanye West and Anna Wintour at Trump Towers… the former Celebrity Apprentice host just had a meeting with Steve Harvey about housing issues on Friday.
Related: Howie Mandel Calls Bullsh*t On Trump’s Golden Shower Excuse!
What could a game show host who’s most famous for failing to read a note card correctly possibly have to say about housing? Probably just as much as our new Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson — zero.
But in Donald’s defense, the Family Feud host is also a known sexist and racist, so they probably had plenty to talk about outside of politics!
With that said, Steve took to Twitter after the sit-down to explain his side of the story. And according to him, President Barack Obama actually put him up to it, tweeting:

That’s actually not the worst excuse…
But still, there have to be better advisers available than celebs he only knows from his Miss USA days, right?!
Related: Steve Endorsed Hillary Clinton Ahead Of The Election!
Plus, for someone who reportedly doesn’t care about which A-Listers sing at his inauguration, the orange anus sure goes out of his way to invite celebrities to his home on a regular basis.
What do U think of Donald Trump and Steve Harvey’s meeting of the mind(s)??
[Image via CBS News.]

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Jan 13, 2017 16:41pm PDT

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