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Gwyneth Paltrow Flaunts Abs, Talks Beyoncé With Harper's Bazaar: 'You Would Not Believe She Is Beyoncé Knowles'

Gwyneth Paltrow covers Harper's Bazaar in her undies.
Dayum, Gwynnie!
We forgot how hot Gwyneth Paltrow looked underneath her clothes! Thanks to Harper’s Bazaar for the eye-popping reminder!
Related: Gwynnie Goes Makeup-Free
The actress covers the magazine’s November issue looking completely free of flaws while stocking up on Lucky Charms in a Manhattan supermarket. Yes, momma!
We die for those abs and thigh muscles!
The 44-year-old also talks about her life in the spotlight, what she’s learned over the years, and what Beyonc├â┬⌐ is really like. Read on for HIGHlights!

On bad press: “When I was starting out, I would get printouts of what was being written about me that week. At first it was all good things, and then it started to turn. I very quickly learned, “This isn’t good, this isn’t helping me.” These were strangers, and they were opining on anything in my life, from where I ate dinner to what movie I chose to do to who I was dating, and I was just like, “This isn’t going to be beneficial to my process as a human being in this lifetime.” But it was a very important exercise for me in terms of really understanding that one’s sense of self is internal. I have had an extreme opportunity to learn that lesson, and I think it’s been such a blessed fortune. Occasionally I’ll come across something that’s just annoying, but for the most part it’s irrelevant to me.”
On encouraging her children to take risks: “In my case, I’ve borne these two kids into a particularly strange circumstance. They are going to have to fend off a lot and protect themselves from a lot of projections and prejudice about who they are, coming from the family that they come from. My daughter is super ballsy. I always follow her lead. I actually don’t need to encourage her to take risks. She likes to push herself; she wants to see how far she can get. It’s really inspiring to see that in a young woman.”
On advice from her father: “I remember when I was maybe 27 years old and kind of at the height of my movie stardom├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥it was around the time of the Oscar and this and that. I think I was very much believing my own hype, which how could you not? I was sitting with my dad, feeling great about my life and everything that was happening, and he was like, “You know, you’re getting a little weird├óΓé¼┬ªYou’re kind of an asshole.” And I was like, “What the hell?” I was totally devastated. But it turned out to be basically the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s the difference between someone who loves you more than anything in the world giving you criticism and getting it from some bitter stranger on the Internet. What my dad said to me was the kind of criticism where I was like, “Oh, my God, I’m on the wrong track.” I’m so grateful to him for doing that. He was such a no-nonsense guy in that sense.”
On Beyonc├â┬⌐: “If you met her and you didn’t know who she was or what she did, it would be inconceivable to you that she was Beyonc├â┬⌐. Some really famous people, even when they’re off-duty, have this energy that is sort of overpowering. She does not have that. She is so dialed down. She’s the sweetest mother. She’s very shy. You would not believe she is Beyonc├â┬⌐ Knowles. You would be like, “No, that was not her.” And that’s why when I see her perform, I’m like, “Oh, shit, I forgot.”

Now we wonder how Bey would characterize Gwyneth. Is she just as goop-y in real life or nah? LOLz!
Check out hot spread pics in the gallery (above)!
[Image via Harper’s Bazaar.]

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Oct 11, 2016 12:30pm PDT