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Ireland Baldwin Reveals How She 'Struggled' Through Her Pregnancy!

Ireland Baldwin Reveals How She 'Struggled' Through Her Pregnancy

Ireland Baldwin is opening up about the realities of pregnancy for all the “soon to be moms” out there that need to hear it — like she did!

The 27-year-old took to Instagram Monday to share some vulnerable truths about how she “struggled” through her pregnancy. She began her lengthy message:

“I haven’t really taken a moment to process all this. I just wanted to write a message here for soon to be moms. I know I said I wouldn’t dedicate my Instagram to my pregnancy/mom content, but getting these words across is super important to me and I hope it helps someone even just a little.”

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She continued:

“I really struggled in my pregnancy as many of us do. Not just by puking everywhere. I don’t miss that. As someone who suffers tremendously from health anxiety, pregnancy shifted everything into overdrive. Every thought in my head pertained to hurting the baby. Hurting myself. Blame game. I’m doing it all wrong. Am I [drinking] too much caffeine? Did I bend over too hard? Was my shower too hot? Am I crying too much? Why am I crying again? Do my feet look swollen? Am I even going to make a good mother? I spent the last 9 months worrying about pulmonary embolisms, blood clots, and pre eclampsia. I read countless pregnancy horror stories and watched negative birthing video after video until I’d go numb from it all. I worried I wouldn’t make it through my delivery or something terrible would happen.”

But after all that worrying? Ireland says “it all just happened so fast.” And it was done:

“When she was born, all of this dissolved into nothingness. Nothing ever mattered until that moment.”

Awww! She gave birth to her baby girl Holland earlier this month, and at the time shared a beautiful family photo with her significant other RAC, whose real name is André Allen Anjos, and their little one.

The new mother continued her message, sharing that the words of others contributed to her new momma anxiety:

“I know we’re all different and our birthing stories are different, but here’s what I want to share from mine. I found it quite sad how women would go out of their way to tell me what was going to happen to my body. How a baby would negatively impact my relationship. How my body would fall apart. My tits would sag to my knees. How I’ll never sleep again. Then of course I’d get told by few how I will never be able to do this without nanny’s and night nurses. Worse, everyone told me how god awfully painful this whole process and recovery was going to be and how I’ll never recognize my body. Again, we’re all different. Our bodies are different. No one ‘wins.’ This isn’t a contest.”

But all of that was just talk. And the fear was so much worse than the reality:

“But here’s what happened to me. Nearly everything everyone told [me] would happen, didn’t. She was born. My fears fled. My heart was full. I’ve fallen in love again for a second time. I’ve lost loads of sleep, but I couldn’t care less. I could stare at her doing absolutely nothing for hours. A sense of calm has washed over me since her arrival and that has in turn made me feel restored. My boobs have changed, but I finally have those Pam Anderson‘s I’ve always wanted. Just a little floppier. My body created life. A brain!! A heart. Little feet! My body is f**king magic. No one could tell me otherwise. You’re right, I will never look at it the same. I don’t want to. I would birth her 100 more times if I had to.”

What an amazing message she’s trying to get out there!

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The model then gave an update on her postpartum recovery, sharing:

“My recovery has been smooth. I’m up and on my feet enjoying this weather and my time with family at home. I couldn’t be more grateful for my partner’s parents and my mom who visited. My partner and I have taken this on together and we make an even better team than I imagined. I’ve never been more in love with him. I catch glimpse[s] of the future father he’s going to be and it makes me quite emotional. She’s the luckiest girl to have him as a dad. And my heart breaks for those who don’t have a supportive and loving partner through this. I don’t know what I would do without him.”

Instead of anxiety, the daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin is now feeling so much pride in her pregnancy journey:

“I am so proud of my body. I am so proud of the work I put into preparing for birth. I was as prepared as I could be. Without the breath work I studied, I’m not sure what I would have done. Without my badass OB, angel of a doula, and the nurses who cheered me on, I don’t know where I would be.”

So sweet. Truly a team effort. She concluded:

“I guess my moral here is, you got this. Don’t let people tell you how it’s going to be. Life is scary and unpredictable and this process was terrifying but it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever done and ever will do. Don’t let people scare you. Just take deep breathes [sic] and enjoy being pregnancy [sic]. Even if you’re a waddling, constipated solar system like I was. Because now that she’s out, I stare at her little feet kicking the air and remember what it was like feeling her kick me. Knowing she was protected by my body and now she’s a little person in the world. It hasn’t been long at all, and I already wish I could stop time.”

See her full post (below):

What a beautifully written message. We’re so happy Ireland is over the moon right now, and that she’s using her energy to help ease the potential anxiety expecting moms may be experiencing, just as she did. She’s going to be an amazing mother.

Thoughts, Perezcious readers? Share in the comments down below!

[Images via Ireland Baldwin/Instagram]

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May 31, 2023 12:47pm PDT