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JoJo Siwa

JoJo Siwa Gushes About 'Perfect' Girlfriend & Details Her Unplanned Coming Out Experience

JoJo Siwa Gushes About ‘Perfect’ Girlfriend & Details ‘Super Encouraging’ Coming Out Journey

It’s been two weeks since JoJo Siwa happily announced she is part of the LGBTQ+ community (after a flurry of viral TikToks teased the reveal), and now she’s opening up about her thought-process leading to the spontaneous coming out moment!

Oh, and she couldn’t help but gush about her new girlfriend, either! *Cue all the heart eye emojis!*

On Wednesday, the 17-year-old appeared on The Tonight Show to discuss her “most insane” coming out journey, and even revealed her GF was a huge reason she made the potentially career-altering decision to be true to herself!

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As it turns out, the entire TikTok reveal wasn’t as planned as it appeared. Apparently, JoJo got together with members of the Pride House (a collective of queer creators) prior to leaving town for work. When they decided to dance to Paramore‘s Ain’t It Fun, the singer realized lip-syncing the line “now you’re one of us” might out her!

She told Jimmy Fallon:

“They come over, and we’re doing this TikTok, and I was like, I think this TikTok that we’re doing to ‘Ain’t It Fun,’ I think this is going to out me.”

Siwa didn’t even seem that concerned, adding:

“And I was like, I don’t really mind because it is true, I do have the most amazing, wonderful, perfect, most beautiful girlfriend in the whole world. It’s not something I’m ashamed of, I just haven’t shown the Internet yet. And there’s always been speculations, of course, but I was like, I think this is gonna out me.”

Someone is clearly smitten — how sweet!

As fans were freaking out about the Ain’t It Fun dance, the Nickelodeon actress followed up with a lip-sync video to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way, another bop often claimed by members of the LGBTQ+ community as an inspirational tune. Then, of course, she settled any lingering questions by posing in a “Best Gay Cousin Ever” t-shirt — which, again, wasn’t planned at all! In fact, the YouTuber’s publicist didn’t even know the announcement was coming!

The Dance Moms alum explained that while on the phone with her still-unnamed girlfriend (there has been speculation of the mystery gal’s identity on JoJo’s IG feed), it was clear that despite the excitement of the speculation, nothing was confirmed yet. So, they got to thinking:

“We were both like, ‘Technically, I still haven’t confirmed it.’ And so I was like, ‘I kinda just want to post this picture on my Reels story,’ and she was super encouraging. She was like, ‘Do it!’ And I was like, ‘All right,’ and I did it.”

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While the super successful teen continues to be as over the moon about her decision as she seemed in a recent IG Live, it did dawn on her days after confirming her sexuality that her career could have taken a drastic turn for the worse. JoJo admitted:

“I was like, ‘Well, technically, that was a really big risk that I took posting that.’ But if I lost everything I created because of being myself and because of loving who I want to love, I don’t want it. That’s not what I want if I can’t love who I want to love. That’s one of the most important things to me.”

She has a fair point. As sad as it is to admit, queer people still face all kinds of unfair consequences for being their authentic self. Especially given how young Siwa’s fanbase is and the way some parents negatively reacted to the joyous announcement, it wouldn’t have been all that shocking if big companies or other partnerships pulled back on their deals. Fortunately, it seems JoJo has become even more popular despite trolls!

And in other good news, the dancer is currently in Vancouver filming a new musical, The J Team, for Nickelodeon. All about her life and being true to yourself, this movie sounds like the perfect way to head into this new chapter! Plus, what a great message for her young viewers!

Ch-ch-check out the full interview (below):

So happy for you, JoJo!

[Image via JoJo Siwa/Instagram & JoJo Siwa/Twitter]

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Feb 04, 2021 10:14am PDT