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Vegan Diet Myths Exposed!

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There are many myths and numerous half truths about what happens to your health when you remove eggs, dairy, poultry, fish and meat from your meals. This is why many individuals fail to explore how going vegan may be beneficial. For these reasons, I would like to expose five common myths about vegan diets:
Myth #1: You will feel weak and unhealthy when you begin a vegan diet.
Fact: No matter what your diet is, your body will still produce harmful compounds which are readily neutralized and excreted. Our kidneys, liver and other organs work for both vegans and meat eaters. Thus, after going vegan—you will feel fine when beginning to process and excrete toxic compounds, providing you are eating a well-balanced diet based on whole plant foods.

Myth #2: Vegan diets are missing essential amino acids.
Fact: All essential amino acids are found in plant foods which provide protein—-such as grains, nuts seeds, legumes, vegetables and soy products. However soy foods, are low in one or two of the essential amino acids. Therefore, eating a balanced plant food diet supplies all nutrients necessary to maintain our health.
Myth #3: Vegan diets contain little or no fat.
Fact: It is true that Vegan diets are lower in fat than common meal plans. However, research suggests that low fat dietary intake does not significantly affect our health. It is more important that diets contain good fats or the unsaturated kinds, and this is the type of fat commonly found in Vegan foods.
Myth #4: Vegan diets are not exciting and have too many rules.
Fact: This may be true in part, but most individuals who begin a Vegan diet find countless tasty new options to select from such as roasted vegetable pizza, grilled tempeh (soy) with spicy peanut sauce, barbecued seitan (vegetarian wheat meat) and fruit crumble topped with cashew nut cream. There are also many vegan cook books with exciting, tasty recipes.
Myth #5: Vegan diets are missing Vitamin B12
Fact: Research shows that Vegans are not the only ones who need to supplement their diets with vitamin B12. All individuals 50 years of age and over need B12—-since seniors cannot absorb this Vitamin from animal foods. Therefore, vitamin B12 supplements….especially for older adults and vegans make sense.
Lisa DeFazio├óΓé¼Γäós a leading nutrition expert and a Master├óΓé¼Γäós degree level Registered Dietitian, so be sure to check out her website and follow her on Twitter for more tips and videos — and if U wanna know more about being Vegan OR anything else, U can always email us at [email protected]!!

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May 31, 2013 16:59pm PDT

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