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Brad Pitt Believes He Can Still Fix 'Difficult' Relationship With Kids Despite Ongoing Angelina Jolie Drama!

Brad Pitt Believes He & The Kids Will Get Past ‘Sad Situation’ Amid FBI Report & Angelina Jolie Drama

Brad Pitt has a “positive attitude” despite his ever-complicated family dynamic!

As you well know by now, the Bullet Train star has been battling with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie for years over the custody of their children, Maddox, 21, Pax, 18, Zahara, 17, Shiloh, 16, and 14-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox. Ever since they split in 2016, they’ve never seen eye-to-eye on… well, just about anything!

The drama escalated last week when FBI reports from a 2016 plane altercation between the couple made headlines, revealing alleged abuse Brad inflicted on Angie at the time. Angie allegedly filed as “Jane Doe” to get access to the reports as she sought the best medical care for their kids as a result of the trauma. In the complaint, Jane Doe alleged she wasn’t informed of the “FBI’s closure of the investigation” and wanted to understand why the agency closed the case. However, an insider close to Brad quickly claimed to People she was just opening an old wound that had been “resolved six years ago” to “inflict the most amount of pain on her ex.” So, is her so-called plan working?!

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Speaking to People on Tuesday, a source opened up about the actor’s state of mind amid the ongoing controversy, and specifically how he still has hope for the future — even when there’s no light at the end of the tunnel! The source explained:

“It’s been a sad situation for years. Since Angelina filed for divorce, Brad has been focused on having the best relationship possible with his kids. It’s been very difficult for him. Many times, there have been long gaps where he didn’t see the kids at all.”

So tough!! Custody battles are never easy, but this has been a particularly brutal one. Unfortunately, it sounds as though the kids’ relationship with their father has taken a toll because of the controversy — unless, of course, they prefer things this way

As for Brad, he definitely “misses” his children, but has been focusing on other aspects of his life to get through the heartbreaking legal battle:

“He misses the kids when he doesn’t see them. He still has many good things going on in his life. He has a positive attitude. He believes there will be a time when he has a great relationship with his kids again.”

Only time will tell! Angelina, for her part, has had no problems staying close to her kiddos. Amid last week’s drama, she was seen at Universal Studios theme park in Los Angeles with Knox and at the Dear Evan Hansen tour in Philadelphia on Saturday with Vivienne. Nothing’s getting her down!

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Meanwhile, the exes are also fighting in court over their winery, Château Miraval, to which Jolie sold her stakes in October 2021, allegedly without Pitt’s knowledge or consent. Despite taking the confrontation to court, Brad supposedly still wants his baby momma to be “happy.”

A source for Us Weekly opened up about the co-parents and former business partner’s other legal drama on Wednesday, insisting Brad’s on Angie’s team through and through, saying:

“He’s not rooting against her, not personally, not professionally, not romantically. If she’s happy, he’s happy. Brad loved Angelina and he still cares about her.”

Hmm. Wouldn’t she have an easier time being happy if they just quit fighting?! Just saying!

The confidant went on to claim the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood alum is “consistent” in his desire for the Maleficent star to be “happy and healthy and the best mother she can be for their children.” TBH, it’s starting to sound like Brad’s camp is trying to work overtime to clear his name after the abuse allegations resurfaced since the source also added that he was super supportive when the 47-year-old was dealing with “medical issues and surgeries,” noting:

“She routinely praised Brad for being supportive.”

It’s unclear exactly what medical issues the source is referring to, but in April 2013, the actress revealed she underwent a preventative double mastectomy after learning she had a “faulty gene” that increased her chances of getting breast or ovarian cancer. She also developed hypertension and Bell’s palsy after filing for divorce. The source continued:

“He was there with her through everything.”

These days, they butt heads on everything! One reason the winery sale might have struck a chord with the filmmaker is because he hoped it would be a lasting legacy in his family, the insider expressed:

“Brad always dreamed of leaving Miraval to the children as part of the family legacy.”

Now with the new partners joining the team (per Angie’s sale), Brad’s not so thrilled with the state of the winery. Too bad! But does the Oscar winner have an ulterior motive for the legal drama, including the FBI report and Miraval sale? The insider suggested:

“Angelina is angry that the public adores Brad so much when she feels he was very unkind to her.”


As if to prove Brad’s not the one to blame for putting the spotlight on his family, the insider also noted Brad tries “to keep his children’s lives as private as he can.” When he talks about his past, he tends not to bring up his children. If the public’s been able to forgive and forget his controversy, the insider thinks it’s because he has been “open and honest about his journey,” including in a new interview with GQ in which he laid it “all out.” In the August cover story, the star opened up about his past with alcohol, depression, and much more, the source said:

“[He] didn’t sugar coat anything. Brad is a work in progress, but he can be proud of the man he is today.”

Very true. Honesty can go a long way! But we’re not sure the public’s opinion matters in this separation anyway. Ultimately, it’s up to Brad and Angelina to find some common ground or they may never see brighter days! Thoughts? Do you think Brad will be able to mend his relationship with his kids in the future? Or has too much gone down?

[Image via MEGA/WENN]

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Aug 24, 2022 09:57am PDT