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Meghan Markle

Inside Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's 'Total System Reboot' After Taking Tons Of Hollywood Ls!

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Are Rushing Into 'A Total System Reboot' After Taking Tons Of Ls!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are desperately trying to get back on track.

Of course, the royally-famous couple saw deals with Spotify and Netflix falter recently. Most notably came Meghan’s Archetypes podcast flop on Spotify’s network — an embarrassing eight-figure failure. And on Netflix, where their deal was upwards of $100 million, projects like Heart of Invictus and Live to Lead produced little fanfare on release, and an animated series called Pearl was scrapped before it ever got out of development. But now, a comeback! A reboot! A return! Well, maybe…

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In new comments to People, an insider is desperately trying to talk up Meghan and Harry’s Hollywood future. We already know the couple is looking to move into El Lay proper ASAP to be even closer to the entertainment industry. And this source is making sure the world sees that the famous pair wants to make it (again) in Tinseltown!

As far as reloading before their next public chapter ahead, the source explained Meghan and Harry “have almost gone more tech than Hollywood” in their bid to “fail big” with spectacular controversies. We don’t know that we’d agree with that actually — if anything they’ve been PAID big but taken really teensy little swings. Dontcha think??

But the optimistic insider says it’s all led to a hard reset:

“What we’re seeing — and will see more of I think — is Heghan 2.0. Part Deux. They know of their supposed failures and how it’s viewed, but they have almost gone more tech than Hollywood. Fail big and all that. They have swapped in and out all sorts of projects and people and are embarking on a total system reboot.”

Changing the team! Makes sense. And honestly, there’s no sense in re-living the past TOO much. Buuuut it might be important to reflect on these failures and why they happened! Right?!

Well… the insider here actually blames the royal family for the couple’s Spotify and Netflix stumbles, if you can believe it! Lamenting how royal life “wasn’t a world they wanted for their family,” the source told People how things like COVID and the writers’ and actors’ strikes played a role in Meghan and Harry’s turbulent Hollywood landing. And ditching the royal fam made Meghan and Harry overly hot commodities, the insider excused:

“The royal element, and in some ways the drama around them, inflated the price, deals and expectations.”

True or not — or merely an excuse for fans’ and execs’ tepid responses to the pair’s Hollywood hustle — that would seem to match up with what an insider previously told People back in August:

“The attention, commotion and hubbub was wrapped up in the fact that Harry is a royal, and people threw money at them with hopes and dreams that it would translate into success. But I think it’s been a rude awakening for everyone. It’s like they built a house with no foundation.”

Yeah… Now, back in the present, this new insider tried to end things on a high note. The source is adamant that the pair is focused only on the future rather than intent on re-litigating prior shortcomings:

“They have a constitutional inability to look in the rearview. Why should they? They are all about the future.”

That’s nice to hear. But will it translate to entertainment industry success?? What say U, Perezcious readers?! Sound OFF with your thoughts on Meghan and Harry’s Hollywood hopes and dreams down in the comments (below)!

[Image via John Rainford/WENN]

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Nov 28, 2023 11:40am PDT