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Sam Asghari

Sam Asghari Left 'Jobless' & Desperately Seeking 'Big Break' Amid Britney Spears Divorce!

Sam Asghari Is 'Jobless' & Desperately Seeking His 'Big Break' On Screen Amid Britney Spears Divorce!

Sounds like Sam Asghari has to find some work ASAP…

Britney Spears‘ estranged husband is trying to figure out where he goes from here as their divorce plays out in the public eye and behind the scenes. Of course, Asghari is shacking up at a super-pricey apartment in El Lay now. So as far as living quarters go, he’s got that covered. Well, Brit is footing the bill, so technically she’s got that covered.

Anyways, the concern turns now to the 29-year-old fitness buff’s film career. And it seems he’s at a loss for the next move to make amid the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike!

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According to a new report published by Page Six on Tuesday, the pop star’s ex is “jobless” right now. That’s according to a source who didn’t mince words when discussing Sam’s day-to-day activities and plans for the future:

“He’s jobless. He doesn’t have any acting gigs lined up at the moment.”

Now, to be fair, nobody in SAG-AFTRA has work right now. With the union striking — and Sam an active member of that union — productions have halted and work has dried up. However, many working actors have projects in the hopper for whenever this labor action wraps. And some even are doing indie films which get a pass since they’re not covered by AMPTP. But not Sam!

Per that news outlet, the former personal trainer wrapped his “only upcoming project” a few weeks before the strike started. That would be the Paul Feig-directed comedy Grand Death Lotto. Beyond that, there’s nothing on deck. Sam did have a minor role recently in Special Ops: Lioness, which filmed back in January. That show has already premiered, debuting last month on Paramount+. Sadly, there was a problem with that rollout: the strike nixed its red carpet premiere, so it premiered “with little fanfare.”


The outlet’s source also grumbled that with nothing else on hand, the Baby One More Time singer’s ex is really trying to stay optimistic:

“Sam is still looking for his big break.”

Oof. That’s a tough quote… That’s the kinda thing you hear said about wannabes, not working actors. Sounds like he’s kind of lost at the moment. At least his rent is being paid??

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As for his now-former better half, Brit is gearing up for an awesome autumn. The centerpiece is, of course, the October release of Brit’s memoir The Woman In Me. That bombshell book is already surging on the pre-sale charts, and will make a massive splash when it debuts on the 24th of that month.

Plus, she’s been working on new music! This will be her first album since 2016, and with all that’s gone on in her personal life since then, new music from her would stop the world. The Louisiana native has an upcoming writers camp set up for that, too. Momentum!

What do U make of this new report on Sam’s prospects, Perezcious readers?! Sound OFF (below)…

[Image via Sam Asghari/Instagram/Apega/WENN]

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Aug 29, 2023 11:11am PDT